IHN at NOCCC Teen Summit

The North Omaha Community Care Council (NOCCC) hosted the Teen Summit on July 14th, 2023, at Creighton University's Harper Business Center. This year's Teen Summit aimed to address various health-related topics, including physical, emotional, mental, and sexual health. It also provided opportunities for teens to explore different career paths. The event was open to teenagers aged 13-19 and attracted 130 attendees.

This year, the Institute for Human Neuroscience (IHN) proudly partnered with the NOCCC. The IHN supported the event through sponsorship, hosting a breakout session, and setting up an informational booth.

During the breakout sessions, Dr. Giorgia Picci, Director of the CANDY Lab at IHN, and Mr. Abraham Killanin, an MD/PhD student in the DICoN Lab at IHN, presented research on racism and mental health. They engaged teenagers in hands-on self-care activities and discussed the negative impacts of discrimination in childhood and adolescence on brain health and well-being. The hands-on activities included brainstorming sessions with teens to explore different strategies for coping with these negative impacts, such as practicing self-care and building positive community connections.

At the IHN informational booth, teenagers had the opportunity to ask questions about neuroscience. They learned about the various types of research conducted at IHN, the research questions the institute aims to address, and the diverse career paths pursued by the team.

The NOCCC was established in 1996 with the goal of fostering local community partnerships through improved communication and collaboration. The Council's primary mission is to provide North Omaha's community members with better access to affordable and high-quality healthcare, education, resources, and services. Additionally, the NOCCC is dedicated to promoting ethnic diversity and cultural understanding, which are essential for enhancing the health and well-being of North Omaha's families and businesses.

The Council is committed to creating and supporting premier educational programs and innovative, community-based participatory research and outreach efforts that focus on underserved populations. In 2016, a significant milestone was achieved when the Council launched the Teen Summit. This event empowers North Omaha's Black families, especially teenagers, by connecting them with local organizations and healthcare researchers. The Teen Summit offers education, facilitates conversations, and provides opportunities for the community, promoting mental, emotional, financial, behavioral, and relational health.

The IHN joined the NOCCC earlier this year to provide ongoing support for the council's purpose, vision, and goals. To learn more about the NOCCC and its impact on the North Omaha community, including adults, children, and families, visit their website HERE.


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